This Sex Addiction Test is adapted from Dr. Patrick Carnes’ Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST). The questions below will help you identify if there are possible signs of sex addiction. These questions are intended to be a starting point and are in no way a diagnosis. There are many ways sex addiction can show up and therefore each question can be interpreted in numerous ways. Answer each question and read the information below about your score.

1. Were you sexually abused as a child or adolescent?

2. Did either of your parents have trouble with sexual behavior?

3. Do you often find yourself pre-occupied with sexual thoughts?

4. Do you feel that your sexual behavior is not normal?

5. Do you ever feel bad about your sexual behavior?

6. Has your sexual behavior ever created problems for you or your family?

7. Have you ever sought help for sexual behavior you did not like?

8. Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?

9. Are any of your sexual behaviors against the law?

10. Have you made efforts to quit a sexual behavior and failed?

11. Do you hide some of your sexual behaviors from others?

12. Have you attempted to stop some parts of your sexual activity?

13. Have you felt degraded by your sexual behaviors?

14. When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?

15. Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire?

16. Have important parts of your life (such as job, family, friends, leisure activities) been neglected because you were spending too much time on sex?

17. Do you ever think your sexual desire is stronger than you are?

18. Is sex almost all you think about?

19. Has sex or romantic fantasies been a way for you to escape your problems?

20. Has sex become the most important thing in your life?


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